Brother Hibernian:H. RES. 596, introduced by Hibernian Brother Mike Lawler, calls for the restoration of power-sharing in Northern Ireland. It is a critical step in addressing the ongoing political stalemate and maintaining the progress to peace in the north of Ireland, started 25 years ago by the Good Friday Agreement. The devolved Stormont Assembly has been in collapse since February 3, 2022, denying the people of Northern Ireland their democratically elected voice in their local … Read More .... about Call to Action: Ask Your Congressional Representative to Support H. RES. 596 and Democracy in Northern Ireland
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AOH Seeks to Sack U.K. End Run in Florida
Recently, the British Government passed the "Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act." This legislation is nothing but a … [Read More...] about AOH Seeks to Sack U.K. End Run in Florida

AOH Statement on Passage of the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill
With the passage today of the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill, the government of Prime Minister Sunak has decided to … [Read More...] about AOH Statement on Passage of the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill

Cū Chulainn, Yeats and 1916
The Dying Cuchulainn Oliver Sheppard was a respected Irish sculptor now remembered mostly for his 1911 work, The Dying Cuchulain. Sheppard, of … [Read More...] about Cū Chulainn, Yeats and 1916

Ancient Order of Hibernians Urges British House of Commons to Oppose Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill
In an unprecedented move, the President of America's largest Irish American Organization, the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), has written a … [Read More...] about Ancient Order of Hibernians Urges British House of Commons to Oppose Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill
The Chaplain’s Corner

Respect Life Month – October 2022
As we enter the month of October, designated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as Respect Life Month, with Sunday, October 2 designated Respect Life Sunday, perhaps it might benefit all of us if we … [Read More...] about Respect Life Month – October 2022
Catholic Calendar

Catholic Calendar – March 2023
Catholic Action To All Hibernians: The entire month of March falls within Lent this year. The liturgical color for Lent is violet, except that rose may be worn on the Fourth Sunday, Laetare Sunday (March 19). … [Read More...] about Catholic Calendar – March 2023
Historical Happenings

The First JFK Medal
The AOH and LAOH honored legendary Pittsburgh Steeler and inspirational veteran advocate Rocky Bleier with the JFK Memorial Medal at the recent convention in in Pittsburgh. AOH National President Daniel J. … [Read More...] about The First JFK Medal