New Address:
The national office has recently moved! Forms should no longer be sent to the Caldwell, NJ address. Please use:
- Ancient Order of Hibernians In America, Inc
- PO Box 437
- Oreland, PA 19075-0437
- Basic Form Instructions
- Please use as fillable PDF’s whenever possible to help improve legibility and accuracy.
- (To fill in a form electronically, first save a copy to your device;
next, open it with the free Adobe Reader, fill in all the fields you can on the form and save it;
the saved copy can be attached and emailed to the National Office.)
- (To fill in a form electronically, first save a copy to your device;
- All Forms must be mailed to the national office at this time. Once all forms are updated to fillable PDF’s some forms will be designated for electronic submission.
- Form 11 must always be mailed with your per capita payment. This must be done by February 15 each year.
- All forms may be mailed to:
- Ancient Order of Hibernians In America, Inc
- PO Box 437
- Oreland, PA 19075-0437
- Form 12 may be e-mailed to
- Forms must be saved properly prior to e-mail. See instructions under each form section.
- Form 12 may be faxed to: 1-973-575-0051
Member Information Forms
- Online Membership-Roster Tool
- Access account required! Inquiries: Edward Halligan
- New Members, Change of Address, Termination
- Certificate of Election (Form-9)
- Certificate of Election (Form-9) Word Document
- Please return to and
- [Note] Please continue to email the Form 9 document, not just update the officers in the online tool.
- re-submit with every change of officers and at least once each year
- Certificate of Election (Form-9) Word Document
- Form 32 – Transfer card
Business Forms
Form 11
- Division Financial Report
* DO NOT Try to fill this form out in the browser!
To fill in a form electronically:
1) First save a copy to your device.
2) Next, open it with the free Adobe Reader.
3) Fill in all the fields you can on the form and save it.
4) Attach the saved copy and email it to the National Office.- submit by February 15 every year with the previous year per capita, initiation and reinstatement payments.
- This is a Save-able, Fill-able / Print-able Form …
the saved copy can be attached and emailed to the National Office as a courtesy copy.
- Printed and Signed Form must be included with your check and your IRS Form 990e.
- This is a Save-able, Fill-able / Print-able Form …
- This form will be used for all tax-exempt filing
- submit by February 15 every year with the previous year per capita, initiation and reinstatement payments.
Form 12
- State and County Financial Report
- Submit by February 15, every year
- State and County Board Report for tax-exempt filing
- May submit by US mail
- May submit by e-mail to:
- Save as follows
County: Form#-county-state-date.pdf
Example Form12-MA-OH-1-22-14.pdfState: Form#-State-date.pdf
Example: Form9-OhioState-1-22-14.pdf
- Save as follows
National Board Order Form
Mission and Charity Forms
Hibernian Hunger Project Forms
Project St. Patrick Forms
- 2023 Project St Patrick Donation Form
- 2023 Division Diocese Form
- 2023 Vocational Grant Application Form
Scholarship Forms
New Member Application
Form 41
New Division Forms
Form 10
Form 28
Major Degree Team Form
- Major Degree Candidates Report – 7/15/2018 (Always use the latest form)
- For use by Degree Team Secretaries only
- May submit by US mail
- May submit by e-mail to:
-, and CC: to Jack Schneider