St. Patrick’s Division 2 of Suffolk County, NY installation of officers took place on Sunday, April 18 th at their Hibernian Hall in Babylon, NY. The installation was initially set for this past January but due to COVID-19 precautions the installation was postponed to a safer date.
The installation was attended by St. Patrick’s Division 2 President, Jim Killen and Vice President, Dennis Harty (who is the Junior Boys coordinator). Also in attendance was Suffolk County, NY President, Chris Thompson; Suffolk County. NY immediate past President, Jerry Belmont; Suffolk County, NY Recording Secretary, Bill Corrigan; NYS Missions & Charities Chairman, Matt Buckley and St. Patrick’s Division 2 past President, Tom Bennet.
St. Patrick’s Division 2 received their Junior Boys charter on April 10, 1970, and is only one of three Divisions in New York State to have Junior Boys. Congratulations and best wishes to Junior Boys President, Liam Chambers and all of his newly installed officers, as they carry the Division’s tradition into its 51st year!