The New York State Board of the Ancient Order of Hibernians held a Memorial Mass at St. Peter’s Church, in lower Manhattan, on Sept. 25, at which they unveiled a special plaque in honor of the Hibernians lost on 9/11/01. NY AOH Chaplain Fr. Henry Reid said the Mass. The event was conceived of and planned by NYS AOH President John Manning, with the help of many other Hibernians. NJ AOH President Richard O’Brien, North Carolina AOH President Chris Cooke and PA AOH President Ed Dougherty, and Ladies AOH NY State VP Regina Begley also participated. The Hibernian Singers served as the choir at the Mass and added their beautiful voices to the Memorial Eucharist.
The impressive 30” by 40” bronze plaque has now been mounted on a wall inside St. Peter’s to stand as a permanent memorial to the nine New Jersey and nine New York fallen Hibernians on the 20th anniversary of their passing.
The honored Hibernians named on the plaque are: Florence M. Gregory, Kings County NY LAOH; Charles Houston, Kings County NY AOH; Richard Fitzsimons, Nassau NY AOH; Dennis Devlin, Orange NY AOH; Gerard T. Nevins, Orange NY AOH; Kevin C. Dowdell, Queens NY AOH; Arthur Warren Scullin, Queens NY AOH; Sean B. Fegan, Rockland NY AOH; Richard Muldowney, Jr., Suffolk NY AOH; Maurine V. Barry, Hudson NJ AOH; Liam Callahan, Hudson NJ AOH; Thomas E. Gorman, Hudson NJ AOH; Steven Huczko, Hudson NJ AOH; Donald J. McIntyre, Hudson NJ AOH; Jim Nelson, Hudson NJ AOH; Bruce Reynolds, Hudson NJ AOH; Mike Wholey, Hudson NJ AOH; and Peter Milano, Monmouth NJ AOH.
After Mass, Hibernians and family members who lost their Hibernian loved ones processed to Vesey and Greenwich streets near the Memorial Pools and held a solemn ceremony there, at which the names of the lost Hibernians were read aloud, by National AOH Treasurer Liam McNabb. Presentations were made to each of the family members attending.
All photos by John O’Connell, National Editor