On Friday December 9th the Father Flanagan Division in Omaha, Nebraska held the annual Christmas party at the Madonna School. The Hibernians and the Madonna School have a long tradition dating back to the ’60s. “Madonna is an education organization founded on the Christian principles of the value, worth and dignity of every individual as created by God. Our mission is to serve students and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, so they may become as successful and independent as possible.”
The Division supplied pizza, snacks, and drinks for 120 students, staff, and brothers plus a handsome donation to the school. In total over $1,000 was donated. Brother Bob Race said “this is the single best event we have every year. It always gets me in the Christmas spirit and I never miss a Madonna School Christmas Party”. Each one of the students got to meet Santa and was gifted a coloring book and candy canes straight from the North Pole. Brother Brian Reilly said it was a “this is exactly why I joined. Proud day to be a Hibernian.”
Submitted by Nebraska State President Mike Addy

Middle Row left to right: Mike Addy, Dave McCandless, Pat Ivers, Michael McMorrow, Terry Devlin, Donny McGuigan, Tim Lonergan,
Front Row left to right: Grant Hrobovsky, Chris Blalock, Bob Sullivan