
It has been 676 days since the US has had an Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland. In that time, over seventy ambassadorial appointments have been made. It is simply unacceptable given the historic relationship between the United States and Ireland and the countless contributions of Ireland’s sons and daughters to America that this post has been vacant so long. Additionally, in this time of Brexit it is in America’s best interest to strengthen its ties to Ireland as, with the departure of England, it will be the only predominantly English speaking country in the EU.
It has been 676 days since the US has had an Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland. In that time, over seventy ambassadorial appointments have been made.
A worthy candidate for Ambassador, Mr. Edward Crawford of Ohio, has been put forth by the president. He must undergo a hearing by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee before his nomination is brought to the Senate floor for confirmation. There is a limited window for Mr. Crawford to be approved before the Senate recesses. If Mr. Crawford is not approved before the recess, there may be a significant delay as the Senate reorganizes itself based on the recent elections. Frankly, we have waited long enough for a US Ambassador to Ireland and must work to expedite the process.
I, therefore, ask if your Senator(s) are listed below that you call their office (phone number listed) as soon as possible advocating for a quick confirmation of Ed Crawford as US Ambassador to Ireland. A suggested dialogue is provided to guide your conversation with the Senator’s office (you may, of course, wish to use your own words).
The call should take no more than 15 minutes but could have a lasting impact on US/Ireland Relations. It will once again affirm the Hibernians as “The Voice of Irish America.”
I thank you and your brothers in advance for their time and consideration.
Yours in the Spirit of the Order
Neil F. Cosgrove
National PEC Chair
Senators on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
First | Last | State | AOH Jurisdiction | Phone |
Jeff | Flake | AZ | N | (202) 224-4521 |
Cory | Gardner | CO | Y | (202) 224-5941 |
Christopher | Murphy | CT | Y | (202) 224-4041 |
Christopher A. | Coons | DE | Y | (202) 224-5042 |
Marco | Rubio | FL | Y | (202) 224-3041 |
Johnny | Isakson | GA | Y | (202) 224-3643 |
James E. | Risch | ID | N | (202) 224-2752 |
Todd | Young | IN | Y | (202) 224-5623 |
Rand | Paul | KY | Y | (202) 224-4343 |
Edward J. | Markey | MA | Y | (202) 224-2742 |
Benjamin L. | Cardin | MD | Y | (202) 224-4524 |
Jeanne | Shaheen | NH | Y | (202) 224-2841 |
Cory A. | Booker | NJ | Y | (202) 224-3224 |
Robert | Menendez | NJ | Y | (202) 224-4744 |
Tom | Udall | NM | Y | (202) 224-6621 |
Rob | Portman | OH | Y | (202) 224-3353 |
Jeff | Merkley | OR | Y | (202) 224-3753 |
Bob | Corker | TN | Y | (202) 224-3344 |
Tim | Kaine | VA | Y | (202) 224-4024 |
Ron | Johnson | WI | Y | (202) 224-5323 |
John | Barrasso | WY | N | (202) 224-6441 |
Example Phone Conversation
You: Hello, my name is ___ (your name) __. I’m a constituent of Senator __ (Senator’s Name) __from ____ (hometown) ____. Could I please speak to the Legislative Assistant who handles Foreign Affairs?
Congressional Office: “Hi, this is XXXX, how can I help you?” or “That person is unavailable, may I take a message?”
You: My name is ___ (your name) __ a constituent from ___(hometown) ____. I’m calling to ask that the Senator as a member of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee support the swift confirmation of Mr. Edward Crawford as Ambassador to Ireland. As an Irish American and member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, I am very concerned that in the time of Brexit the United States does not have an Ambassador to Ireland. Given that when the UK leaves the European Union Ireland will be the only English speaking nation within the EU, and the long-standing friendship between America and Ireland it is of vital national interest that we have a US Ambassador in Ireland without further delay.”
Congressional Office: I will let the Senator know that we talked and advise him/her of your interest.
You: Thank you for your time. I hope that Senator XXXX will support this much-needed appointment. May I get your email so that I can follow up with you on this issue? Thank you again.