The Ancient Order of Hibernians The Oldest and Largest Irish-Catholic Organization in the United States. Established 1836 Mon, 15 Jun 2020 15:09:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Ancient Order of Hibernians 32 32 AOH Comments on Malachy McAllister Deportation Mon, 15 Jun 2020 15:09:42 +0000 On the day Malachy McAllister surrendered for deportation, AOH National Board Members: Treasurer Sean Pender, Immigration Chairman Dan Dennehy, and Freedom For All Ireland Chairman Martin Galvin accompanied him to stand beside and support him on this very bleak day. Here are their video comments made about the deportation of our friend Malachy.

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A Message From Malachy McAllister To His Friends As He Reported For Deportation Wed, 10 Jun 2020 22:56:17 +0000 The below video, recorded by Sean Claffery, are of comments made by Malachy McAllister as he reported for deportation after a 24 years of residence, contribution and service to the American Community.

video by Sean Claffery
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US State Department Visa Policy “ Visits the Sins of the Fathers Upon the Sons (and Daughters)” of Ex-Prisoners of the Troubles Mon, 01 Jul 2019 14:44:06 +0000
20 years on, the shadow of the Troubles is denying U.S. travel visas to children born years after the conflict.

From the Political Education and Immigration Chairs

Part of the foundational ethos of the United States is that individuals are treated based on their merits; rejecting the Old World concepts of royalty and aristocracy where a person is judged based on who their parents were. That American belief was a beacon of hope to the thousands of Irish who came to America in search of being able to achieve their full potential, and America has benefited incalculably from their energy and drive. It is therefore extremely disconcerting to learn that the US Department of State has repudiated this core American value in the denial of visas to the children and grandchildren of participants in Northern Ireland’s Troubles (BBC News: ‘Ex-prisoners’ children ‘discriminated against’ in US travel’). It is truly a case of “the sins of the fathers being visited upon the sons (and daughters)”.

The release of prisoners from both sides of the conflict was a crucial part of the Good Friday Agreement. Their release and subsequent commitment to the peace process has been pivotal to the two decades of peace which the north of Ireland has enjoyed. It is therefore counterproductive, and unquestionably unjust, to deny travel visas to young men and women born years after the conflict because of who their parents or grandparents were.  Many of those convicted for offenses during the Troubles were done so under proceedings which would not be recognized in any civilized courts of law. For the State Department to perpetuate this inequity to an innocent second and third generation twenty years after the signing of an internationally recognized peace agreement is the epitome of injustice and a denial of America’s core values.

The Hibernians are further disappointed that the US consulate has refused to offer an explanation as to why visas are being denied these young descendants of the participants of the troubles, a violation of basic accountability and transparency. The Ancient Order of Hibernians call upon Secretary of State Pompeo and Ambassador Woody Johnson to investigate why their staff is denying visas to young Irish men and women because of events which they themselves have only read about. We call upon the Secretary and the Ambassador to correct this injustice and take another step forward to the peace promised by the US-brokered Good Friday Agreement.

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Hibernians helped Tara Circle and the Emerald Isle Immigration Center Get Their Start Tue, 04 Jun 2019 18:58:25 +0000 Hibernians helped these two Irish community support organizations get their start, now one gives the other a boost- The Tara Circle supports the Emerald Isle Immigration Center’s Woodlawn building renovation fund!

(L to R) Dan Dennehy- AOH National Director, Dr. Brian O’Dwyer – EIIC & AOH NY County, Jim Rice- Tara Circle President, Cyril Hughes, Tara Circle Chair & AOH Rockland, John Tully- EIIC Chair & AOH NY County, Siobhan Dennehy – EIIC Exec. Director & Westchester LAOH, Jim McQuaid -Tara Circle, Cathy Hogan – Tara Circle & Westchester LAOH and Juan Grajeda- EIIC.
Photo: Emerald Isle Immigration Center on Katonah Ave aka The Emerald Mile

With the soon-to-be-expanded Woodlawn offices of the Emerald Isle Immigration Center as a backdrop, board members of two Irish community organizations serving the New York Metro area met for an exciting development!  “Plans for the space renovation have been underway for a number of years, and this grant is a much-needed boost to the private funds we now need to raise to ensure that the project continues” stated Brian O’Dwyer, the center’s Chairman Emeritus. Cyril Hughes, Chairman of The Tara Circle, said: “We are delighted to support the EIIC with our grant, which continues The Tara Circle’s decades of commitment to supporting Irish culture and heritage in our community!

We are uniquely grateful to The Tara Circle for their investment in our infrastructure in the Bronx community and are indebted to them for this financial support, allowing us to continue with permanent plans for our long term home in the Bronx serving immigrants with the immigration and social services we are long associated with” stated Siobhan Dennehy the Center’s Executive Director.

This grant is welcome in support of the only center in the New York Tri-State area providing the widest array of services in social and immigration-related matters to the Irish diaspora and beyond” commented John F. Tully, Chairman of the EIIC Board of Directors.

Dan Dennehy, National Director and Immigration Chair of Ancient Order of Hibernians who attended the presentation and assisted in coordination with both groups stated, “Hibernians have supported Tara Circle and the Emerald Isle Immigration Center from their inception because their missions are to serve our community and that of our neighbors. It is great to see Tara Circle support Emerald Isle Immigration Center, as they help the newest to oldest Irish Americans and so many New York immigrants.”

Additional funding for the project has already been committed from the New York City, State, Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Emigrant Support Program and the Irish Institute. To learn more about The Tara Circle visit To learn more about the Emerald Isle Immigration Center visit:

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Irish Immigration Summit at Irish Embassy Thu, 16 May 2019 18:27:55 +0000
L to R: Dan Dennehy (AOH National Immigration Committee), John Keane (ILIR), Paul Finnegan (New York Irish Center) Billy Lawless (Irish Senator for the Diaspora & Chicago Restauranteur) at Irish Immigration summit hosted by Ambassador Dan Mulhall and Embassy of Ireland in Washington D.C.

E3 Visas for Irish Revisited- House and Ways Committee Chairman US Rep. Richie Neal recently reintroduced H.R.2418 to add Ireland to the E-3 Non-Immigrant Visa. This Bill, which would allocate the remainder of Australia’s 10,500 E3 visas for Irish applicants. Based on last years effort, we learned that many Congress members think Ireland has no problems getting visas to the U.S. Hibernians must educate their Congress reps that the Irish for over 50 years have been adversely affected by current rules. This Bill doesn’t address issues of the undocumented and those long waiting for immigrant visas. Out of a potential 50,000 DV lottery immigrant visas, Ireland received less
than 100 in recent years.

It is time for a permanent resolution of legal immigrant status for Irish Political Deportees, and urgent action is required for Malachy McAllister and his family. The AOH encourage the Department of Homeland Security to issue a Terrorism-Related Inadmissibility Grounds Exemption for the participants and groups that have honored the Good Friday Agreement. The AOH National Immigration Committee working with National President Jim McKay, National Treasurer Sean Pender, National FFAI Chair Martin Galvin, the Irish America Unity Conference. US legislators, the Irish and US State Departments, and the agencies of DHS to end the cycle of delays and denials our Brother members and their families face with increasing difficulty.

Dan Dennehy
AOH National Director &
National Immigration Chair

22 Andre Lane
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567

Twitter @Dan_Dennehy
facebook /danedennehy
Linkedin dan-dennehy

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Immigration Chairman’s Report – April 2019 Tue, 16 Apr 2019 13:51:20 +0000
It is time for a permanent solution tothe families of A Irish Deportees and the Malachy McAllister family.
The Irish Peace Process is now 21 years old. Yet for these participants in the conflict, although their issues were addressed by the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, the dividends of Peace remain elusive. These issues are increasingly difficult for all of them, and for Malachy McAllister imminent deportation and separation from his young family are a reality. It is time that Ireland’s Peace Process, which is a model for many other nations, be recognized by the Department of Homeland Security by adding the Irish to the exemption list. Many countries and organizations have received exemptions from DHS, yet Ireland has not.

The AOH encourage a DHS Terrorism-Related Inadmissibility Grounds Exemption for Ireland. This exemption will end visa detail for Republicans and Loyalist alike and allow our members Matt, Malachy and others to live here without the threat of deportation and work and travel restrictions. The AOH National Immigration Committee working with National President Jim McKay, National Treasurer Sean Pender, National FFAI Chair Martin Galvin, the Irish America Unity Conference. US legislators, the Irish Embassy, the US State Dept, and the agencies of DHS to end the cycle of delays and denials our Brother members and their families face with increasing difficulty.

E3 Visas for Irish Revisited- US Representative Richie Neal plans to reintroduce the E3 Visas for Ireland Bill. This Bill, which would allocate the remainder of Australia’s 10,500 E3 visas for Irish applicants. Last passed unanimously in the House but narrowly missed in the US Senate. On the eve of the Government Shutdown, despite yeoman’s efforts by Hibernians in several states, one hold remained as the government ultimately shut down. This time, it is hoped that the obstacles which slowed and stopped passage last year, will not be an issue. Please pay attention to Calls to Action on this legislation, should they arise.

The National Immigration Committee, with members across the US, convened by teleconference on March 28. Our calls focus on legislative updates and current issues affecting Irish Immigrants. We are often joined by guest speakers on important issues. On the March call, Committee, National FFAI Chairman Martin Galvin discussed our mutual work on Malachy McAllister’s behalf, as detailed above. I thank this dedicated committee and our National Board, State President, Immigration Chairs at every level, and all members across the US for your resourcefulness and connectivity. The issues of immigration are complicated. The AOH focus on how these laws affect the Irish, and what we, and legislators from all parties, can do to help. We can reach many legislators across the US which can help with other issues of great interest to us, and them.

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Immigration Report – December 2018 Sat, 01 Dec 2018 23:21:23 +0000
Ireland Gets Hibernian Help in Irish E3 Visa Push

A Congressional Bill to add visas for the Irish, sails through the House, gets challenged in the Senate. At the time of writing this article, Hibernians in Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Missouri are calling on their US Senators to support nearly 5,000 bi-annual renewable visas for the Irish. Irish visa winners could bring their spouse and children to live and work in the US as part of a reciprocal deal which eases work and retirement rules and a path to Irish Citizenship for Americans in Ireland. If successful, it will be the first dedicated renewable visas for Ireland in nearly 30 years. The AOH has, once again, proved that we are the only organization with such tremendous reach to legislators across the USA.

In the White House last Saint Patrick’s Day, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar proposed a reciprocal deal to President Trump. Although the original plan called for addressing undocumented Irish, the program that the White House finally agreed to involves the unused visas from Australia’s 10,500 E3 Visas. First granted in 2005, E3 visas were only for Australians, who never used more than half of the 10,500. These visas require at least a Bachelor Degree and have nothing to address the undocumented Irish. But as Irish Senator Billy Lawless, who first spoke about the reciprocal deal at our National Convention in Louisville said, “it’s the best chance at immigration reform we have had in 20 years.”

House Bill was sponsored by Wisconsin Republican Jim Sensenbrenner and Massachusetts Democrat Richie Neal. Speaker Ryan mandated that it be fast-tracked through the House and Senate, which could lead to a quick passage in the Lame Duck Congress. National President Judge McKay and our Immigration Committee remained in constant communication with the Irish Embassy, Congressman Neal’s office, and other legislative offices and focused on the leading legislators in both Parties. Brian O’Dwyer, 2018 Sean MacBride Humanitarian Awardee urged his US Representative Jerry Nadler over Thanksgiving to assist Neal and Sensenbrenner, and House Resolution 7164 quickly passed the House in a procedure known as ‘unanimous consent.

The Senate came next and almost overnight, eight holds were placed on the Bill by Republican Senators, who wanted amendments added. Any such tweaks would scuttle the chances of the reciprocal deal and time was short. By working with President McKay, Neil Cosgrove- National Political Educational Committee Chair, the vigilant Keith Carney and our AOH National Immigration Committee, National Directors, National Liaisons, State Presidents and their members, enabled constituents in each state to have an informed dialog directly to their Senators and their offices on the Visa. Irish Ambassador Dan Mulhall, his staff and Senator Billy Lawless, as well as many friends in Congress, recognize the vital role Hibernians have played in the effort. I close this article confident that we will win this and grateful for all the Hibernians who participated in this effort with our National President.
I wish each and every member, a Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year from Siobhan, our daughters Ashling and Cara and I.

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Immigration Report – October 2018 Mon, 01 Oct 2018 23:55:01 +0000
I ask that each Division and State to comply with our Constitution and appoint an Immigration Chair. This chair is a resource on promoting fair and equitable immigration between Ireland and the USA and providing members with background on current Irish and US immigration policies, issues and concerns.

It’s very easy for Irish citizens to visit here for up to 90 days and for US citizens to visit Ireland for the same amount of time. But what about staying longer? Or living, studying or working, here or there? That’s when visas come into play and in both cases, it’s not easy!
The regulations to receive a visa to Ireland or the US can be complicated, and those considering staying longer than 90 days need to learn all they can before they travel.
Irish people coming to the US can contact the Irish Immigration Centers here. Similarly, an excellent organization is available in Ireland. To learn more about migrating to Ireland, please visit Cross Care: Migrant Project here:

Irish Citizens Need Apply!

The 2020 Diversity Visa Lottery (AKA) is open to from 3 October 2018.

The DV Lottery is a green card visa lottery of 55,000 visas for the United States available annually. A computer-generated, random lottery drawing chooses the successful candidates for visas.

Although the Irish only get a handful of the 55,000 DV visas, it’s still worth applying!

This is basically the only way to get a green card by lottery, and each person can apply only ONCE. You must apply online, and there is no cost, it is free to enter, and if successful, entrants have the chance to apply for a ‘Green Card’ or permanent resident visa – which allows you to live and work in the U.S. as a legal permanent resident.

Contact the Irish Immigration Centers for more information here:

Find a video and complete info here:
It’s looking like neither party is willing to tackle US immigration before the November elections. However, after the elections, we must get to know our own legislators and speak to them from our perspective. The Irish have been on the line the longest, many of Irish undocumented have been waiting for a visa since the 1980’s! DV lottery, Morrison Visas, J1 Program and other methods succeeded with Irish American immigration advocacy. Which is why we must soon again, make the best deal possible for Irish and American people to travel to each other’s countries. Hibernians are the only group with the connectivity in towns and cities across the US to make it happen. The AOH National Immigration Committee is focused on these issues and are ready to get to work with you, our members when the time is right.

I would like to commend President Ben Coleman and his Lincoln Nebraska AOH Division for hosting an Irish Hooley to welcome immigrants. Their demonstration of Irish hospitality, an act of friendship and Christian charity towards the newest additions to their community has attracted great goodwill and positive media attention for the AOH, read here:

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AOH National Director and Immigration Chair Report – June 20, 2017 Tue, 20 Jun 2017 23:12:51 +0000
Upsetting news deJune 20, 2017veloped in recent days as John Cunningham, a 38-year-old Donegal man, who has been an outspoken Irish immigrant advocate, leading member of Boston’s GAA, civic and business community since 1999, is facing imminent deportation after being arrested by ICE agents. Apparently, he was apprehended with cause for overstaying a holiday visa waiver many years ago. Cunningham was interviewed for a documentary on Irish Undocumented, broadcast on RTE in March, in which he may have been identifiable. We are not sure if this contributed to his arrest, but these are cautious times. We feel Cunningham may have put himself at risk to raise awareness of the plight of Irish Undocumented and the need to rectify the need for visas. We are working in coordination with the Irish Embassy, its Consulate, the Irish Immigration Centers, Senator Bill Lawless and US Congress to assist the incarcerated Mr. Cunningham and calm the worried Irish immigrant community. I am grateful for the proactive measures that President McKay is employing on attaining rectification for these Irish folks here in America, long waiting for the right visa so that they may finally come out of the shadows.

On Tuesday, June 6, 2017, I had a very informative meeting which focused a need to talk Irish immigration issues with President Trump and his Administration’s Director of Homeland Security.
US Marine General John F. Kelly, US Director of Homeland Security, is a Boston Irish Catholic and we are focused on engaging with him regarding Immigration Reform for future flow and the Irish Undocumented. Never before has the need for us to employ our Order’s connectivity been more urgent to help these people. Brothers, if any of you have connections to General Kelly or his leading staff, please let either Judge McKay or myself know, asap.

The Chicago meeting was hosted by Senator Billy Lawless and attended by Taoiseach Enda Kenny, Ambassador Anne Anderson, Massachusetts Irish Consul General Brien O’Brien, Michael Collins of Chicago Irish Immigration Center, Cyril Regan of Chicago Celts and members of the Clergy and Irish government staff. Thanks to Hibernian Charity Board Member, Irish Senator Billy Lawless, and the Chicago Celts I joined National VP Danny O’Connell in Chicago at events and immigration meetings surrounding a visit and thank you for Taoiseach Ends Kenny and Ambassador Anne Anderson. (Chicago Celts was founded by Billy Lawless and Cyril Regan and truly are
the only Irish Lobby Organization that has continually worked hand in hand with the AOH and Irish Immigration Centers on Lobbying.)

Chicago is a great city, Danny O’Connell and I met great local Hibernians and others who are now very interested in joining us.

Congrats to AOH NY County Division 7 for once again hosting the Celtic Cruise. This fun, annual Cruise around Manhattan on the Spirit Of New York benefits the Emerald Isle Immigration Center, raising over $50,00 of direct support for the EIIC annually. Thanks to Sean Pender, Tim McSweeney, and Tom Beirne, our National Board members who are attended the cruise. to learn more about the event.

On May 4-5, 2017 the 2nd Global Irish Forum was held in Dublin Castle, Ireland, and 250 distinguished organizations committed to Irish Culture, Heritage, Arts and Emigrant support were represented. This was the AOH’s first invitation, and I proudly served as your representative. Our Order’s good works were introduced to the assembled at the beginning of the Forum by Irish Senator for the Diaspora Billy Lawless, Minister of the Diaspora Joe McHugh, and Forum’s Caitríona Ingoldsby the Director of the Irish Abroad Unit. DFA Secretary General Niall Burgess echoed those sentiments in the Forums’ final address, at the close of events
In directly communicating our efforts, I also learned about other groups missions and strategies. My home Division, Westchester County Division 18 Peekskill benefits from an Irish government grant to support cultural programs at our Hall and Fest. I encourage Hibernian Halls in NYS to consider participating in Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs Emigrant Support Program (ESP) by applying for Heritage Grants. To find out more on ESP Grants and the Global Irish Forum: Link to Global Irish Hub:

I worked under NYS Director Tom Beirne’s coordination of two very special Masses in NYC; the Month’s Mind Mass for Martin McGuinness at NY St. Patrick’s Cathedral and the Re-Interment Mass for Knock Visionary John Curry, the youngest Knock Visionary at Basilica of Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Both Masses received international attention. Brothers from far and wide supported these efforts with selflessness and expertise that only Hibernians in America can demonstrate!

Do you qualify for an Irish passport of citizenship or you are a US green card holder who wants US Citizenship? Please contact the Emerald Isle Immigration Center at (718)478-5502 or

While working on fair reform for future flow and rectification of the tragic story of Irish people here in America long wait for visas, we’re grateful the Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers Irish Apostolate and Chicago Celts are our partners in this effort, please support your local Irish Immigration Center.

I attended the 2017 NJ State Convention as well as many Divisions & Counties and remain grateful for your hospitality at each event. Looking forward to the NYS Convention in Buffalo and the 9th Hudson Valley Irish Fest on September 30 in Peekskill!

Please Read and Subscribe to the DFA Global Irish Hub to learn about the Global Irish Forum and 2017 Emigrant Support Program. The Irish Heritage Grants are a great way to increase Cultural and educational events at your Hibernian Halls and Festivals

Please learn as much as we can about General John F Kelly, Chairman of US Department of Homeland Security. He is the key to President Trump helping us with Irish Immigration, and he and Bannon were mandated with fixing Irish Immigration by President Trump according to Taoiseach Enda Kenny. We should arrange a meeting with the General as soon as possible to discuss immigration.

Yours in Our Motto of Friendship Unity and Christian Charity,
Dan Dennehy

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Immigration Report – December 2016 Thu, 01 Dec 2016 23:35:26 +0000
I wish all the Blessings of Christmas and a happy, prosperous 2017 to you and yours. This Christmas, sadly, is an anxious time for Irish Immigrants and their families. Campaign promises from the President-elect threaten programs that the Irish facilitate to work here, and deportation may separate families. We remain committed to working with US lawmakers, Irish Immigration Centers, Senator Billy Lawless, the Chicago Celts and Irish Ambassador Anne Anderson and others to promote fair and legal paths for the Irish and end the plight of the undocumented. I will be hosting conference calls and meetings on lobbying action and general discussion of immigration issues with a panel of experts in the coming weeks. Please contact me at if you are interested in participating. Recently, Hibernians including AOH Maryland State President Jay Linahan attended the signing of a US State Dept and Embassy of Ireland agreement to extend the J1 12 Month Program which allows young Irish and US students to live, work and enjoy our traditional cultural exchange. “J1 Summer and 12 Month Visa Program” Information at

Legal options are available to either Irish and US citizens to live, work, travel. We are firmly urging those eligible to pursue US citizenship, especially Green Card holders, to do so right away. I recommend that one need not pay exorbitant fees to unscrupulous attorneys to explore these options. Guidance and support are available from Irish Immigration Centers affiliated with the Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers. Information:

I thank the Queens and Bronx-based Emerald Isle Immigration Center, its Legal Counsel John Stahl and Siobhan Dennehy, Executive Director for helping me compile information for this article. EIIC employ highly qualified staff to assist clients in many aspects of immigration life and law and have helped thousands of immigrants have become U.S. citizens. They provide essential information on the procedures for most immigration matters; such as re-entry permits, lost or replacement green cards. EIIC also offers a citizenship program, by appointment, to assist with the application forms. The EIIC also has two attorneys on staff for individual consultations. Link for appointments:

“The Embassy of Ireland, Irish Consulates, and Honorary Consulates”

(New Orleans based AOH National President Judge James McKay is an Honorary Consulate General) These offices are available for emergency situations, visa applications, and renewals of Irish Passports. Information:

“The Project Children Summer Work Travel Program” provides a once in a lifetime opportunity for students from Northern Ireland and Ireland to spend eight weeks in the summer working in the US to further their knowledge and experience in their chosen field of study.


“Work & Travel Ireland” U.S. students and recent graduates can visit Ireland for a summer or up to a full year, take on paid seasonal work to help fund the experience.


“Diversity Immigrant Visa Programme (DV-18)” This randomly selected Department of State annual lottery is a legal, albeit remote chance for Irish people to get a Green Card. Ireland is eligible as a country with historically low rates of immigration to the US. No single country will receive more than 7% of the available DVs in one year. The annual entry submission for DV Immigrant Visas is early October to the beginning of November. Information

The “Irish Citizens Information Board” provides information on coming to live in Ireland, rights of residence, studying or working in Ireland. Link:

“Crosscare Migrant Project” (formerly Emigrant Advice) offer information, advocacy and referral organization for migrants in vulnerable situations intending or returning Irish emigrants, as well as immigrants and members of new communities in Ireland. Link:

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Report for 2015 Fall National Board Meeting Sun, 18 Oct 2015 22:56:36 +0000

Congrats to Brian O’Dwyer, 2015 AOH Seán MacBride Humanitarian Award Winner

It was my honor to successfully nominate Dr. O’Dwyer. I have known and worked with Brian for decades, and no one is more deserving to be honored in this way. He followed in his great father Paul O’Dwyer’s footsteps and made many great strides himself. Brian’s dedication to Peace, Justice and a United Ireland, improvement of lives for people across the globe is legendary. He has both created great leadership and advised great leaders on many fronts, particularly those related in Ireland, the USA, and as Chairman of the Emerald Isle Immigration Center, strives for a bright future for our newest and oldest Irish Americans and everyone in between!

Pope Francis Effect on US Politics on Immigration

The visit to DC, NY and PA had many positive effects on America. He has singlehandedly touched many hearts and minds in a way that we have not seen since Pope John Paul II. His addresses to Congress, United Nations and his homilies and meditations often spoke of immigration and appealed to our legislators to rethink immigration and migrants. The morning after listening to His Holiness address to a uniquely civil & respectful Joint Session of Congress, Speaker of the House Boehner decided to pack it in, and credited the Pope with that decision. In spite of a universal understanding that nothing will happen on immigration until after 2016 Presidential election, on the last day of September 2015, a miracle happened.

One of the most verbal opponents of any form of progressive immigration reform legislation, Wisconsin’s Jim Sensenbrenner, agreed to sponsor an Irish E3 visa. Irish Ambassador Ann Anderson, who we all know has been committed to the issue since she arrived and visiting Irish Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan had meetings with Congressmen from both Houses and all parties to discuss reform and Sensenbrenner has lent his support. At the very least, this standalone bill will keep positive dialog on Irish visas aloft. Call your Congressmen and ask them to support this effort for Irish E3’s and tell them Pope Francis sends his regards.

Followup on Berkeley Irish Student Tragedy

I would like to thank all who supported the students and families of the Berkeley Irish Student Tragedy, whether financially, in correspondence or prayer. I am happy to report that many of the seriously injured youngsters have been able to return home to Ireland to continue their recovery. They are extremely grateful for the outpouring of support and care they received while here. I applaud our Officers and members for standing up for the injured, the deceased and Irish participation in the J1 program. If your business and community would benefit from offering a young Irish person a remarkable work and cultural experience, please let your immigration chair local Irish Consulate or immigration center know. You will join a 50 year success story!

US- Ireland Dual Citizenship

Have you ever considered holding Dual-Citizenship with Ireland? Having an Irish Passport?
Hibernians definitely have a special relationship with Ireland and its people, many traveling to Ireland, visiting family and friends, even studying in Ireland’s higher learning institutions. With the global nature of business today, many US citizens now work in Ireland. For the most part, our stays are temporary, usually less than 6 month, but what if a person desires to move or retire to Ireland?
Holding dual citizenship with Ireland is permitted by the US State Department and allows unlimited stays in Ireland and unrestricted travel around the nearly 30 nations of the European Union for those with successfully apply and receive both citizenship and passports.

Who is eligible for Dual Citizenship with Ireland?
If you were born in Ireland to Irish citizens, congrats, you are an Irish Citizen!
If your parents, or grand-parents were born in Ireland, you qualify!
Unfortunately, If you are married to an Irish citizen, there is now an Irish residency requirement.
Knowing your eligibility and how to apply, pay fees and provide documentation to prove your qualifications are key. Applications can be downloaded from the General Registry Office in Dublin or contact a local Irish Consulate and they will be happy to help you with the process.

Annual DV Lottery Now Open

Please read info from John Stahl, Director of Immigration Legal Services of the Emerald Isle Immigration Center:

The annual diversity visa lottery registration and application period opens once again on October 1st through November 3rd for those who are eligible to apply for a green card to reside permanently in the United States. Applications will only be accepted online via the U.S. Department of State official website at

In recent years there has been an increase in online scams promising green cards or quicker service for a fee. EIICs Immigration Attorney and Director of Immigration Legal Services, John A. Stahl, Esq., urged those interested in applying to note, There is no fee to apply and there is only one official website to register.He advises individuals to ignore any email offers to help complete or expedite the application process.

Please call either of our offices if you need assistance with your application. The immigration legal services staff at the Center is once again appealing to potential applicants to apply early this year, cautioning that the official DV Lottery website can get frozen closer to the deadline of noon on Tuesday, November 3rd.

Immigrants created this Order and today it remains our job to make room for them in our communities and lend them a hand when they need it. What we get in return is a better Ancient Order of Hibernians, a better United States and a better Ireland.

Yours in Our Motto of Friendship Unity and Christian Charity,

Dan Dennehy


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Immigration Chairman’s Report – February 28, 2014 Fri, 28 Feb 2014 13:15:22 +0000


Following unanimous consent from the National Board, The AOH National Immigration Committee created an Initiative to promote the Irish Perspective on Comprehensive Immigration Reform and highlight March as Irish American Heritage Month. We asked Congress to recognize the important historical role of the Irish throughout US history, and show its commitment to Comprehensive Immigration Reform by wearing an Irish American Heritage Month/Immigration Lapel Pin.

The pins were presented to members of Congress along with a card stating: “In March, designated Irish-American Heritage Month since 1991, we honor the vast contributions and sacrifice of Irish immigrants and their descendants to our Nation
since its inception.

Today, Irish men and women seek legal means to carry on that tradition, to live and work here, to share their technical expertise and rich culture, and as those who came before, freshen American diversity.

Please wear this pin to demonstrate appreciation for the Irish contributions to these United States and support those who still aspire to make America their home.”

A lapel pin was used in a similar fashion in 1986 to demonstrate the need for a special US envoy for Ireland. Working with Bobby Mahoney, Virginia’s new Immigration Chair and other recently appointed State Immigration Chairs, Mike Delaney (DC) and Mike Mellett (MD) the
concept took form. Patrick Harnett, the artist who designed our recent Commodore Barry Memorial Dedication invitations, has come up with a design based on the Thomas Addis Emmet memorial obelisk. These pins were made in the USA thanks to a vendor supplied by
National Director Chip McLean. 1,000 limited edition pins had been commissioned and were presented to each member of Congress and the Executive Branch.

The crest is an American Eagle and Irish Harp joined by the hands of friendship bordered by US and Irish flags. This iconic image is found on a memorial obelisk for Thomas Addis Emmet in St. Paul’s Church across from the World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan.
Thomas Addis Emmet personifies the Irish immigrant and US success story. Born in Cork City, elder brother of martyred Robert Emmett,
a Trinity College Dublin medical scholar, lawyer, leader of United Irishmen. For his lead role in the 1798 Rebellion, imprisoned in Kilmainham Gaol. The Kilmainham Treaty offered the 1789 rebel banishment to a nation on peaceful terms with Britain and he chose
the US.

However, Federalist US President John Adams sent his foreign minister to Britain, future US Senator Rufus King vigorously
opposed US entry, so Emmet was sent to a Scottish jail till 1801. When Thomas Jefferson was elected US President in 1800, sweeping
out the federalists, he invited Emmet to live in the US. Emigrating in 1803, he became a successful lawyer and politician. In 1812 he
was uniquely appointed New York State Attorney General by “acclamation.” He argued many famous cases and was “the favorite
counsellor of New York,” according to US Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story.

The 33 foot high obelisk in St. Paul’s Church stands in the shadow of the Freedom Tower, and is not Emmet’s grave but a tribute from a grateful city. Emmet was buried in St. Marks Cemetary in the Bowery and later brought to Glasnevin Cemetary in Dublin where he now
lies under a High Cross made by James and Willie Pearse, father and brother of Padraig Pearse. The exiled rebel returned to Ireland, a hero of two nations.

On the obelisk, Emmet’s United Irishmen Harp, now the National Emblem of Ireland, was brought together by the hands of friendship with the emblem of our Nation, the American Eagle. It is fitting that this AOH forged emblem respectfully borrowed from our past be used
to demonstrate our current commitment to this effort.

We invite all our friends in Immigration Reform to join us in making this a poignant and truly grass-roots community effort to reach our legislators.
Dan Dennehy
Ancient Order of Hibernians in America Inc.
National Immigration Committee Chair
Phone: (914)588-2710


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