The Ancient Order of Hibernians The Oldest and Largest Irish-Catholic Organization in the United States. Established 1836 Mon, 11 Sep 2023 01:33:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Ancient Order of Hibernians 32 32 Charities and Missions Update – June 2020 Tue, 02 Jun 2020 16:48:38 +0000

In this time of continued uncertainty brought on by the COVID virus, and the civil unrest currently unfolding in cities around our country, our continued focus on extending charity, supporting unity, and reinforcing old and building new friendships is increasingly important. It bears repeating, that the Ancient Order of Hibernians has always risen to the challenge of providing for those in need. Whether it be money, food, time, clothing–even support of civility among our fellow Americans, members of the Ancient Order have risen to the occasion. In these trying times we have bothers acting as first responders protecting property and responding to the call brought on by violent protests. We also have brothers protesting peacefully in support of protecting life and civil treatment of all our fellow citizens. Both must be thanked and respected for serving their respective missions. Serving humanity and the humane treatment of all is the Light Jesus brought to us and taught us to emulate.

We share in the responsibility to serve those in righteous need and to continue to fulfill our mission to promote Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity among all our worldly brothers and sisters. Please help those who need it, whether it be cleaning up after ignorant selfish and violent rioters, dropping food off at a food pantry, serving food to the hungry, volunteering at a pregnancy and aid center, coach & mentor the disadvantaged, build houses with Habitat for Humanity, and donate to funds that educate children, seminarians, and others in need. There are many ways we can serve others and too many who need our service and financial support. Donate to Hibernian Charities by sending your checks to

    Hibernian Charity
    P.O. Box 694
    Austin, TX 78767

Write checks to Hibernian Charity with the intention of your donation in the memo section (Project St. Patrick, Irish History, Study Abroad, Catastrophic Relief.) You can also donate with PayPal by sending money to writing your intention in the “add a note” section.

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Charities and Missions Update – April 2020 Thu, 02 Apr 2020 11:08:02 +0000 As we all do our best to stay healthy, pray for those brothers and sisters impacted by the Covid-19 virus, we are looking forward to our convention in July. The Charities and Missions report at the convention will focus on a summary of the good works of The Order, the timelines and requirements for submissions of local, county, and state reports. We will also highlight potential changes in regard to a common reporting template, hourly rates for volunteer time and who we can count in our submissions for volunteer time. I would also encourage anyone who has questions or suggestions regarding our Charities and Missions efforts to email me at

The Covid-19 virus has, like any other crisis, brought out the best of our Hibernian Sisters and Brothers. Efforts to coordinate deliveries to those in need have been established by Hibernians in localities across our nation. Some through Parishes, in coordination with Catholic Charities, and other Irish American Organizations. We are always there for those in need, whether it be financial assistance, prayerful support, restocking of food pantries, or basic household needs, our brothers and sisters are delivering what is needed, with their own hands and vehicles to those in need. I’d like to thank any and all those offerings of a little and a lot in this time of great need. I am looking forward to sharing a report of our activities and hearing your ideas for more at our biennial convention in July at the beautiful Rosen Center in Orlando, Florida.

Please make use of our Hibernian Charities for your financial donations by sending checks made out to Hibernian Charities using the memo line for direction to Project St. Patrick, Disaster Relief, Hibernian Hunger, Study Abroad Scholarships, Irish History, Medal of Honor Grove or leave blank for distribution to be decided by the Hibernian Charities Board of Trustees. Send to:

    Hibernian Charity
    PO Box 19325
    New Orleans, LA 70179

Or through PayPal, by sending money to Also, if you use Amazon for your online shopping needs, please sign into and use for your purchases and choose Hibernian Charity as the charity you would like a percentage of your purchase amount to benefit.

Hibernian Charity Update – December 2019 Thu, 05 Dec 2019 13:22:07 +0000

We have just gathered with family and friends giving thanks for the bountiful yields from our nation’s fields and factories. As we give thanks, consider those who do not benefit from our shared bounty. I urge you to consider the less fortunate during during the Advent and Christmas Season. As you think about the Providential prosperity provided to you and yours, please consider donating your time, food and dollars to the less fortunate. We have a great resource for giving in the Hibernian Charity, but we cannot give what we do not get. Please send your checks made out to Hibernian Charity with Hibernian Hunger on the memo line and send to:

Hibernian Charity
PO Box 694
Austin, TX 78767


Or donate by sending money through PayPal to

Please donate food stuffs, blankets and socks to your parishes, missions, community food pantries, and other organizations that provide for the less fortunate. Many divisions support activities that gather and provide food for the poor. Division 18 in Peekskill, NY supports a Turkey Trot where members of the community, some dressed as turkeys, Christmas Ornaments, and pilgrims run loaded down with frozen turkeys – many non-runners just donate hundreds of pounds of turkey and nonperishable food items. The Monsignor Daniel J. Bourke Division 1 in Savannah, GA have a Turkey Trot where brothers “run” – maybe jog – up to missions, convents, food pantries, veterans’ homes and many other places that serve those in need dropping off turkeys and hams. These are only two examples of the many acts of kindness taken on by AOH and LAOH divisions across the country around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please let me know what your divisions are doing so we can share the good ideas around. Again, please consider the less fortunate in your prayers and activities around the holidays and thank you for all you do for the less fortunate.

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Charities & Missions Update Fri, 05 Oct 2018 15:07:30 +0000 The last few weeks have illustrated our need to sustain and increase our charitable efforts toward increasing vocations, the pursuit and dissemination of Irish History, decreasing hunger and providing relief in the face of natural disaster. Hurricane Florence reminded us that natural disaster is never far from our door. The pernicious predilection of pedophilia makes all too clear the need to remain united in our defense of the church and support the formation of faithful servants of the church.

The challenges we have recently experienced are balanced by the joy and celebration associated with the many Irish Festivals and Feis that harvest time (Lughnasa) brings. The resilience of our Irish Ancestors is displayed a new for us this Fall in the film Black 47, a cinematic exploration of An Gorta Mor. We have been fortunate to establish a partnership with the distributors of the film in setting up donation stations for Hibernian Charities and information stations for AOH/LAOH recruiting. I urge you all to use the film as an opportunity to share with the many who are sadly unaware of the truth of this critical period of Irish History and to make the most of the opportunity to raise funds for Hibernian Charities.

Please Donate to Hibernian Charities in support of Project St. Patrick (vocations,) the Hibernian Hunger project, Disaster Relief, Medal of Honor Grove, Irish History Essay Contests, and Study Abroad Scholarships. You can do so by writing your check out to Hibernian Charities and writing the focus of your monetary support in the memo section and sending to P.O. Box 19325, New Orleans, LA 70179.

The film Black 47 will continue its slow and limited release in theaters across the United States October 5th with openings in single theaters in Philadelphia, Denver, Pasadena, Hollywood and a small town outside Houston Katy, TX. (check Latest Opening Schedule for other dates and locations). I hope divisions in these lucky localities make the most of the opportunity to set up Hibernian Charity donation stations (fundraising, food, and clothing) and AOH membership information kiosks in their theaters.

While the movie is available on Amazon Prime Video, this film about a pivotal point in Irish History deserves to be seen in a theatre in its full cinematic splendor and shared with your communities. Attached is a form and contact information so divisions not lucky enough to be on the schedule can get limited screenings and create an event for fundraising, donations, and information sharing purposes.

The basic cost (depends on the format of the film) for a showing is around $400.00. Then if tickets for the movie are sold the producers receive half of the gross ticket sales – theater owners are required to share ticket sales information. Actual arrangements should be worked out by each division based on how many people will see the movie, where it will be shown, and ticket sales (see attached form.)  

Attached: “private showing” request form
Also attached: Hibernian Charities Brochure (this can be printed and handed out at showings in your area).

Other IFCFilms contacts:
For Print Request/Distribution Questions – Marie Zeniter –
For Help with localizing Black47 marketing materials – Shannon Balstad –

Please make the most of this opportunity to share Irish History, Information about our worthy Order, and Hibernian Charities.

In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity
-Dr. Joe

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